Рубрика: Индивидуальная терапия

It is never to late to go to therapy

We define the goals and objectives of the counselling sessions in a very transparent manner to help patients overcome their problems quickly and effectively, and get the new lease of life they came looking for. We work with the patient as per their schedule, to fix an appointment that is mutually agreeable. We help you embrace life, the way it is meant to be.

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Put yourself on the first place

Individual treatment is often termed as psychotherapy, and is meant to help people with their emotional issues, which can range in order of their severity or intensity. The main aim of this form of therapy is to change the quality of life by defining the path of life clearly, and bringing in more clarity. Whether it is the problem of repressed childhood that you are facing, or an emotional breakdown due to divorce, failure or loss of a loved one, a professional psychologist can help you revive your mental health through systematic counselling.

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Синдром біженця. Психологічні проблеми біженців під час війни

Синдром біженця (англ. refugee syndrome) — це комплекс психологічних проблем, …

Перша психологічна допомога (ППД)постраждалим під час бойових дій

Перша психологічна допомога (ППД) — це надання підтримки та допомоги …

Травми війни. Як зберегти психічне здоров’я під час війни?

Війна може призвести до різних видів травм, які можуть впливати на …